What Our Clients Say
Since 1999, SE Driver's Assessment and Training Program has been assessing and training drivers of various ages and disabilities.
Jennifer's Story
Jennifer is a 20 year old University of Waterloo student whose goal was to obtain her driver’s license and achieve greater independence with a vehicle modified for her needs. After some research she chose SE because of the quality of the instructors and the availability of a modified vehicle for her training and testing.
Legal and Regulatory Reporting Information
In Ontario, all drivers are required to meet certain medical and vision standards to operate a motor vehicle.
Currently, physicians and optometrists are required to report any patient with a medical or visual condition that may impair their driving. In the near future this list may expand to include other health professionals. Police may also report drivers who they feel may be medically unfit to drive. Once the Ministry of Transportation (MTO) receives a report, it is the MTO that will determine the status of a driver’s license.
Find out more about medical standards and tests for non-commercial drivers at: http://www.mto.gov.on.ca/english/safety/medical-vision-standards.shtml
SE Driver's Assessment and Training is approved by the Ministry of Transportation to provide medical and vision driving assessments.